Your oral health largely depends on how healthy gums your gums are and whether they have been affected by gum disease. To prevent any periodontal issues, we encourage you to practice an oral hygiene every day that is effective, and this involves thoroughly brushing and flossing your teeth to remove bacteria. If you develop any gum conditions that affect your health, our team offers some tips on how you can restore your smile.
Gum problems often develop from having a prolonged presence of food particles and plaque, which are substances rich in bacteria and can lead to the development of tartar. When tartar builds on the base of your teeth along the gum line, you could experience a periodontal inflammation that is called gingivitis.
Signs of gingivitis include inflammation in the gums and bleeding that occurs when you brush or floss your teeth. You may also experience chronic bad breath. It’s important to notify Dr. Seth Rush and our team of these conditions so that you can receive a prompt oral exam and receive treatment if needed.
Options for gum treatment can range from adjusting your flossing technique to better clean the gums and behind the rear molars to performing a deep cleaning that removes tartar underneath your gum line.
We invite you to contact Dr. Seth Rush at 816-444-8822 today for an appointment with our periodontist if you are interested in receiving gum disease treatment in Kansas City, Missouri.